London Finds

I was born in London and spent my young life living there, so it’s no wonder that I rediscovered this vibrant crowded city in my teenage years and came to understand even more facets of its culture.

As someone who delights in visiting my London family every few months, I get to spend lots of time in this fascinating loud city, whether that’s visiting its many art galleries, royal palaces or finding fabulous shops to go to.

In terms of shopping and sustainability, London often spearheads eco-friendly brands and the latest trends, for example, Regent Street lent out one of its shops to a myriad of conscious designers. So in the coming weeks, you’ll be reading about events and shops that you can find in this city of lights..enjoy!

Jazz Age Inspired Luxury Gifting for Her

As the new year rolls around the corner most of us are hoping to celebrate 2022 with sparkling champagne, glittering gowns, all accompanied by the laughter of our nearest and dearest. The new roaring twenties has begun and to compensate for the decade beginning with such a…

Gift Guide for Her: The Techno-Whizz

When you are gifting for a busy person sometimes the best gifts are pieces of technology that will make their lives easier and even a little more entertaining. From mixing and blending their skincare in 90-seconds to keeping their coffee warm as they run from meeting to…

Want the latest on London shops, exhibitions and cultural events? Come and find me on Instagram!